Three beauties mountain range - Gobi gurvan saikhan national park
Dec 07 2019
In the Gobi on the way to tour destinations the Gurvan saihan (Three Beauties) mountain appears on the southern horizon. Along with 180 km long string of rocky mountain ranges. Sand dune continues just before it. Two or three hours drive through this immensely vast plains makes a feeling of reaching the edge of the world. The highest point is 2846 m. Vulture Gorge belongs to the Tree Beauty mountain. It is a homeland of ibex, argali – wild sheep, lynx, snow leopard, wolves, fox and the other rodent, reptile and birds. The valley of Vulture gorge is meadow green, nomad families live bottom of the mountain with their animals.
АНХААРУУЛГА: Та сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ хууль зүйн болон ёс суртахууны хэм хэмжээг хүндэтгэнэ үү. Хэм хэмжээ зөрчсөн сэтгэгдэлийг админ устгах эрхтэй.