Shaman dress
Dec 07 2019
The signal of becoming shaman is to get a proclivity from an early age, the shaman will manifest itself suddenly, resulting in mental or physical illness. When the new becoming shaman falls ill, the shaman who examines him recognize at once that he has been selected by an ancestor’s spirit. At that point if he agrees to become a shaman he can be healed, otherwise he will usually die. The training and initiation which follow his recovery are only a confirmation of the initiation which he experienced in the spirit world.
АНХААРУУЛГА: Та сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ хууль зүйн болон ёс суртахууны хэм хэмжээг хүндэтгэнэ үү. Хэм хэмжээ зөрчсөн сэтгэгдэлийг админ устгах эрхтэй.